Take A Snapshot

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  1. Take A Snapshot In Adobe
  2. Take A Snapshot Sux
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The Snapshot tool copies an area as an image that you can paste into other applications. Choose Edit Take A Snapshot. Drag a rectangle around the area you want to copy, and then release the mouse button. Press the Esc key to exit Snapshot mode. In another application, choose Edit.

Applies to:SQL Server (all supported versions)

The only way to create a SQL Server database snapshot is to use Transact-SQL. SQL Server Management Studio does not support the creation of database snapshots.

Before You Begin


The source database, which can use any recovery model, must meet the following prerequisites:

  • The server instance must be running an edition of SQL Server that supports database snapshot. For information about support for database snapshots in SQL Server, see Features Supported by the Editions of SQL Server 2016.

  • The source database must be online, unless the database is a mirror database within a database mirroring session.

  • To create a database snapshot on a mirror database, the database must be in the synchronized mirroring state.

  • The source database cannot be configured as a scalable shared database.

  • The source database must not contain a MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup.


For information about other significant considerations, see Database Snapshots (SQL Server).


This section discusses the following best practices:

Best Practice: Naming Database Snapshots

Before creating snapshots, it is important to consider how to name them. Each database snapshot requires a unique database name. For administrative ease, the name of a snapshot can incorporate information that identifies the database, such as:

  • The name of the source database.

  • An indication that the new name is for a snapshot.

  • The creation date and time of the snapshot, a sequence number, or some other information, such as time of day, to distinguish sequential snapshots on a given database.

For example, consider a series of snapshots for the AdventureWorks2012 database. Three daily snapshots are created at 6-hour intervals between 6 A.M. and 6 P.M., based on a 24-hour clock. Each daily snapshot is kept for 24 hours before being dropped and replaced by a new snapshot of the same name. Note that each snapshot name indicates the hour, but not the day:

Alternatively, if the creation time of these daily snapshots varies from day to day, a less precise naming convention might be preferable, for example:

Best Practice: Limiting the Number of Database Snapshots

Creating a series of snapshots over time captures sequential snapshots of the source database. Each snapshot persists until it is explicitly dropped. Because each snapshot will continue to grow as original pages are updated, you may want to conserve disk space by deleting an older snapshot after creating a new snapshot.

Note! To revert to a database snapshot, you need to delete any other snapshots from that database.

Best Practice: Client Connections to a Database Snapshot

To use a database snapshot, clients need to know where to find it. Users can read from one database snapshot while another is being created or deleted. However, when you substitute a new snapshot for an existing one, you need to redirect clients to the new snapshot. Users can manually connect to a database snapshot by means of SQL Server Management Studio. However, to support a production environment, you should create a programmatic solution that transparently directs report-writing clients to the latest database snapshot of the database.


Any user who can create a database can create a database snapshot; however, to create a snapshot of a mirror database, you must be a member of the sysadmin fixed server role.

How to Create a Database Snapshot (Using Transact-SQL)

To create a database snapshot

For an example of this procedure, see Examples (Transact-SQL), later in this section.

  1. Based on the current size of the source database, ensure that you have sufficient disk space to hold the database snapshot. The maximum size of a database snapshot is the size of the source database at snapshot creation. For more information, see View the Size of the Sparse File of a Database Snapshot (Transact-SQL).

  2. Issue a CREATE DATABASE statement on the files using the AS SNAPSHOT OF clause. Creating a snapshot requires specifying the logical name of every database file of the source database. The syntax is as follows:

    CREATE DATABASE database_snapshot_name



    NAME =logical_file_name,

    FILENAME ='os_file_name'

    ) [ ,..n ]

    AS SNAPSHOT OF source_database_name


    Where *source_*database_name is the source database, logical_file_name is the logical name used in SQL Server when referencing the file, os_file_name is the path and file name used by the operating system when you create the file, and database_snapshot_name Final cut 7 release date. is the name of the snapshot to which you want to revert the database. For a full description of this syntax, see CREATE DATABASE (SQL Server Transact-SQL).


    When you create a database snapshot, log files, offline files, restoring files, and defunct files are not allowed in the CREATE DATABASE statement.

Examples (Transact-SQL)


The .ss extension used in the examples is arbitrary.

This section contains the following examples:

  • A. Creating a snapshot on the AdventureWorks database

  • B. Creating a snapshot on the Sales database

A. Creating a snapshot on the AdventureWorks database

This example creates a database snapshot on the AdventureWorks database. The snapshot name, AdventureWorks_dbss_1800, and the file name of its sparse file, AdventureWorks_data_1800.ss, indicate the creation time, 6 P.M (1800 hours).

B. Creating a snapshot on the Sales database

This example creates a database snapshot, sales_snapshot1200, on the Sales database. This database was created in the example, 'Creating a database that has filegroups,' in CREATE DATABASE (SQL Server Transact-SQL).

Related Tasks

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See Also

Database Snapshots (SQL Server)

Taking backup of your server/system is very very important. Apart from taking a full backup through backup software like Avamar, Netbackup etc., you can also take backup of running state of your server and today in this post, we are going to tell you about server snapshot and how to take the snapshot of your running virtual server in VMware Workstation.

What Is Snapshot & Why It Is Required?

The snapshot is nothing but the exact copy of the state at which you have taken it. It is like a backup of your current state of your virtual server or system.

Snapshots are very important as they help in recovering your server very quickly and you can get the exact system from where it was working perfectly fine (if you have taken snapshot). It is like a checkpoint similar to checkpoint in video games. Even when the character in the video game dies, it again comes alive from the checkpoint.

How to Take Snapshot of a Virtual Server

Taking snapshot of your virtual server is very easy and with a few clicks you can take it. Below are the instructions how to take snapshots with images.

1. Open VMware workstation and choose your machine. And choose VM on the menu bar and go to Snapshot, here you will see option to take a snapshot.

Choose VM > Snapshot > Take Snapshot

2. Now, click on Take Snapshot and a window will appear which will require Snapshot name and description. Snapshot should have unique names, else a warning will appear.

Take A Snapshot Sux

We will suggest you to enter description as well, though they are not mandatory, but they help in identifying the snapshot. One good way to write description is by giving the date on which snapshot was taken and server name or you can also write some pre-change information.

3. Once you have given name and written description, click on Take Snapshot and you are good to go.

While it lasts movie trailer. Taking a snapshot is an online activity and you don't have to bring down a server before taking it. Even you can take a snapshot at any point like when server is powered-on, powered-off, or suspended.

Snapshot actions are a background activity and does not hamper you work and you can continue while your snapshot is being saved by VMware workstation in the background. Background snapshots can also take time in slow hard disks host, so you can turn off this option to increase the performance and can always take snapshot when server is shutdown.

Tip: You can take snapshot more quickly by putting server to shutdown state. Once the snapshot is taken you can power-on the server.

Restoring Virtual Server from Snapshot

As taking snapshot is very easy, similarly restoring the previous state of a server from a snapshot is also a very easy job.

Just go to Snapshot manager and click on the Snapshot you want to restore. You can also use keyboard combination CTRL+m for opening snapshot manager.

Choose VM > Snapshot > Snapshot Manager

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Once you have selected the desired snapshot, click on 'Go To' and it will give you the warning 'By restoring this snapshot, the current state will be lost.'

Click Yes to continue and wait for the operation to get completed. You must always wait for a current snapshot operation to get completed.

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In this way, you can take the snapshot and restore the server from it.

Hope you like this simple tutorial on taking a snapshot of your virtual servers and will bring taking snapshots to practice before making any major change on your server. If you have any doubt, please let us know through your comments.

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